Show Overview

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 Focusing on the "361" home appliance industry cluster and the cultivation of ten iconic intelligent:home appliance
industry chains, our mission is to enhance the security and stability of supply chains,and concentrate on the
connection between supply and demand.' We aim to expand domestic idemand, tap into the global home appliance
market, and form a new integrated industryidevelopment pattern of online and offline domestic and foreign trade,
promoting the construction ofa large home appliance manufacturing market.
To drive the overall transformation and upgrading of the home appliance industry in the YangtzeRiver Delta region
and strengthen Ningbo's leading position in the industry, we will expand demand,:promote circulation,support
enterprises,strengthen confidence, and stabilize growth. The 2024China (Ningbo) International Home Appliances
Expo. (referred to as "CNAE") will be held at theNingbo International Convention and Exhibition Center from August
7th to 9st, 2024.

Address :  East Road 588 North First Cixi Exhibition Center ,Cixi CityNingbo City, Zhejiang Province

               /4-5,No.236 Caihong South Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province

Visit Hotline:86-574-63072021   86-574-87052359

Exhibitor Hotline:86-574-63072016   86-574-63072017   86-574-87052359   86-574-63072025   86-574-63072010

CopyRight © 2016   China(Ningbo) International Home Appliances Expo  